Regime X Financials
(click on the green heading to view or print a PDF document)
Regime X Approved Budget for FY 2018-2019
Regime X mirrors the same fiscal year cycle as BIYC: July to June. The budget is approved by the regime board and is a guideline for predicting the funds that could be transferred to reserve funds (from operating funds), which supports major planned maintenance. Unforeseen repairs reduce the funds available to be transferred to reserves, or reduces reserves if used as the source for payment.
Period of non-standard reports below (June 2017 through April 2018)
These reports are not standard reporting from a financial system; volunteer staffing for BIYC prohibited production of regular two-month reports for regimes. This excel spreadsheet reflects bank account activity (operating account and reserve account), deposits and checks cleared. The account balances showing here reflect the bank balances. For similar reports for prior months, please contact Nancy Voiselle.
2018 Feb/Mar/Apr/May/June (first Reports from system in 2018)
2018 March-April
2018 January-February
2017 November-December
2017 September-October
2017 JUNE
This is the latest report available from the accounting system implemented by the prior management company, Atlantis Group LLC. If you have any questions about regime expenses and income during this period or in the following months, please contact the Regime X Treasurer, Cindy Gibson. Every deposit and expense is tracked, and reconciled with operating/reserve bank accounts, to ensure we operate in a fiscally responsible manner during any period when system financial reports are not available.
This is the last monthly report available from the accounting system implemented by the prior management company, Atlantis Group LLC.