Regime IV Financials
Note: Regime IV has a number of large expenses for which funds are collected and set aside in one fiscal year and payment due in the following fiscal year. This distorts the profit/loss performance with the appearance of large losses when actually, the cash was set aside from the prior budget year. These expenses are primarily for casualty/hazard insurance, flood insurance, and the elevator service contract.
2021 November
Regime IV Approved Budget for FY2021-2022
Regime IV Approved Budget for FY 2020-2021
2019 March
Regime IV Approved Budget for FY 2018-2019
Regime IV mirrors the same fiscal year cycle as BIYC: July to June. The budget is approved by the regime board and is a guideline for predicting the funds that could be transferred to reserve funds (from operating funds), which supports major planned maintenance. Unforeseen repairs reduce the funds available to be transferred to reserves, or reduces reserves if used as the source for payment.
Period of non-standard reports below (June 2017 through April 2018)
These reports are not standard reporting from a financial system; volunteer staffing for BIYC prohibited production of regular two-month reports for regimes. This excel spreadsheet reflects bank account activity (operating account and reserve account), deposits and checks cleared. The account balances showing here reflect the bank balances. For similar reports for prior months, please contact Nancy Voiselle.