If you have an emergency situation regarding plumbing that can damage your unit or another unit, take steps to limit the damage immediately. In a maintenance emergency involving the regime responsibility, contact John Hemmingsen immediately after taking any action you can to limit damage.
when the regime is responsible*
The Master Deed specifies that the regime is responsible for maintenance and repair of commons areas (grounds and structures; building systems such as fire suppression systems, alarm monitoring systems, and elevators, e.g.).
When the Unit Owner is Responsible*
Master Deed Article XXII specifies that the unit owner is responsible for maintenance and repair of windows and doors, screened porch elements beyond the building exterior wall, including the screens, screen doors and flooring surface. In addition, the unit owner is responsible for the repair or replacement of appliances, finishes, et. al. which should be covered in the owner’s HO6 (walls-in) insurance policy.
* The above is a generalization. Please refer to the Master Deed to understand where responsibility for specific repairs and maintenance lies. In addition, the master deed and bylaws should be followed when windows and doors are replaced.