Regime IV Insurance
While our buildings are significantly above the tidal water levels and are constructed on pilings taking living space even higher, we are in a flood plain and carry flood insurance. Each of three buildings exceeds $1 million in value and, therefore, we carry a second policy covering the value in excess of $1 million.
We collect estimated combined payment for all the insurance policies in the spring (March through June) for upcoming premiums with staggered premium due dates from May through July. A small final invoice is paid in August reflecting the difference between the combined premiums estimated cost and the actual cost. Effective dates are staggered and are posted when they become effective.
Contact these agents below directly to respond to inquiries from a mortgage company regarding proof of renewal of these insurance policies. Click on the agent name to launch an email; or, you can place a phone call rather than email. Provide your building address and unit number and all the information needed for the agent to respond to your mortgage company's inquiry. If you need immediate proof, download the documents from the links below.
Property and General Liability Insurance
Evidence of Property and General Liability Insurance (effective 2024)
General Liability Insurance (effective 5/31/2024)
McGriff Insurance Services
Flood Insurance (two policies for each building)
Up to $1 million value (all 3 buildings) (effective July 11, 2024)
In excess of $1 million value (all buildings) (effective July 11, 2024)
Kristen Saurini at McGriff Insurance Services
P: 843-286-4012 | C: 734-578-6705
Flood Elevation Certificates
Click here to open the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program Claims Handbook
* May take more than one minute to display on screen or download.